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Galata Bridge Istanbul

Galata Bridge Istanbul

The Galata Bridge in Istanbul, overlooking the Golden Horn, is located on the European shore between Eminönü and Karaköy.

On one side, it is close to the new mosque dating from the XVII. century and the famous Spice Bazaar (Egyptian Market) dating from the XVII. century also and on the other side, the Galata Tower (old Genoese tower to control the comings and goings of boats returning to the Golden Horn) and its young, artistic, tourist and dynamic district.

The Galata Bridge in Istanbul is one of the busiest places in Istanbul. It is regularly frequented by amateur anglers, who come in all weathers, day and night, to enjoy their fishing pleasure.

They fish for mackerel, swordfish, sardines, anchovies. The fish wiggle in basins or buckets, waiting for the very end.

Vendors of varied fishing equipment have found the vein and come to place their gaiters all along the bridge to offer bait, flies… Any kind, whoever wants to buy them on the Galata Bridge Istanbul.

The history of the Galata Bridge Istanbul

Galata Bridge Istanbul
Galata Bridge Istanbul

A wooden bridge was built in 1845 between the two banks of the Golden Horn, at the request of the mother of Sultan ABDULMECID, who was given the name of Cisr-i Cedid (meaning “new bridge” in Ottoman). On the Galata Bridge in Istanbul, a right of way was requested, for pedestrians: 5 para, people passing through: 10 para, animals in transit 20 para, horse-drawn carriages 100 para, sheep – goats 3 para.

The toll was collected until 1930 by men in white uniforms posted on each side of the bridge; access will be free, however, for military personnel, lawyers, serving firefighters and clergy.

In anticipation of Napoleon III’s visit to Istanbul, it was replaced by a second in 1863 built by the Pacha Ethem Pertev.

In 1875, a third bridge 480 meters long and 14 meters wide replaced the second bridge and then in 1912 following the deterioration of the latter, given the constant increase in foot traffic a fourth new floating bridge of 466 meters long and 25 meters wide was built by Sultan Mehmet Reşad V, on which restaurants, fishing enthusiasts, tourists, the excitement that we know to date were already present. It was destroyed by fire in 1992.

In 1914, a fifth and last bridge will see the day replacing of the burnt one. The Galata Bridge in Istanbul of today is a weigh-bridge.

It measures 490 meters long and 80 meters wide, when the bridge opens to the passage of boats, an alarm is triggered to warn people that they can no longer access the bridge.

From 1914, the electric trams between Eminönü and Karaköy are part of the decoration of the Galata Bridge in Istanbul.

The reputation of the Galata Bridge means that it is often prized in cinematographic, photographic, artistic and literary art.

The Galata Bridge Istanbul is in itself a meeting place for various civilizations, connecting two districts with very different cultures.

The Galata Bridge Istanbul – restaurants

On the ground floor of the bridge, all your senses are in turmoil, there are many restaurants of fish, fresh seafood, mezzes of all kinds.

The restaurants on the two sides of the bridge, can offer the same products, decoration, and music will make the little different touch that will help you choose which of these restaurants you want to eat.

Your taste buds are involved, the fish is usually served grilled, well prepared and above all very delicious.

The prices are reasonable, despite the high attendance of tourists and locals (but take a look at the map before ordering anyway, take note that the mezzes offered are not offered but sold individually: To each his own prices, drinks are extra, ask for the card to check prices)

Pay attention to the prices, they are displayed but foreigners often forget each mezze has a different price. When you are presented with the mezze tray, you think that the price is unique for all mezzes but it is not that, so for each mezze ask the price so you will avoid a bad surprise at the end of the meal.

Musicians and singers (often gypsies from Istanbul) with a repertoire topped with popular Turkish songs, perform there in the evening in some of these restaurants.

It is customary that the hat circulates between the tables, giving the final note of a very entertaining evening, to your good heart for the love of music, and the survival of these very nice groups.

While tasting your fish an extraordinary view is offered to you, of the Hagia Sophia, the suspension bridge of the Bosphorus, the Topkapi Palace and the Suleymaniye Mosque, lit up with thousands of lights at night. A real map decor postal!

Under the Galata Bridge, during the day and by night, lively and surprising, groups of children have fun jumping into the Bosphorus, anglers spend their time remaking the world, distracting bystanders, people improvise dancers while others sell trinkets.